BORO-LADSEB Technical Reports
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Report 04-02 - What is Pump Facility PF101? A Study in Ontology
Report 05-02 - The Role of Ontology in Integrating Semantically Heterogeneous Databases
Report 06-02 - Note: A Couple of Meta-Ontological Choices for Ontological Architectures
Report 07-02 - The CEO Project: An Introduction
Report 23-02 - A new foundation for accounting: Steps towards the development of a reference ontology for accounting
BORO Papers
A Synthesis of State of the Art Enterprise Ontologies: Work in Progress
Presented at OES-SEO2001 - to the International Workshop on Open Enterprise Solutions: Systems, Experiences, and organizations (paper).
Also published in Open Enterprise Solutions: Systems, Experiences, and Organizations (OES-SEO 2001). A. D'Atri, A. Solvberg and L. Willcocks. Rome, Luiss Edizioni, Centro di Ricerca sui Sistemi Informativi: pp. 130-133
What is a customer? The beginning of a reference ontology for customer.
Presented at OOPSLA 2002 - to the 11th Workshop on Behavioral Semantics.
The Role of Ontology in Semantic Integration.
Presented at OOPSLA 2002 - to the 2nd Workshop on the Semantics of Enterprise Integration. (Note: Report 05-02 The Role of Ontology in Integrating Semantically Heterogeneous Databases above is an extended version of this paper)